What are Zirconia Dental Implants?

What are Zirconia Dental Implants?

What are Zirconia Dental Implants?

What are Zirconia Dental Implants?

What are Zirconia Dental Implants?

What are Zirconia Dental Implants?


During the last two decades, we have seen a huge amount of innovation in dentistry, providing us with solutions that are stronger, safer, and more natural appearance than ever before. Nowhere is this more obvious than with the creation of dental implants. Dental implants are considered the premier choice of tooth replacement solutions, ideal for filling any gaps that you may have in your smile due to decay or damage. Most people have heard of dental implants, but far fewer know just how they work and what makes them so successful. Even less have come across zirconia implants, which are an alternative to the traditional titanium implants that more patients are familiar with. 


Here’s what you need to know about dental implants, and more specifically, zirconia dental implants and the advantages that they offer patients who for solutions to replace missing teeth.


How Do Dental Implants Work?


Their unique design is based around a metal post that is implanted into the jawbone and that takes the place of the original tooth root. It is this post that is responsible for securing the entire artificial tooth, meaning that there isn’t any pressure placed on surrounding teeth. As you probably know, bone can regenerate, and the bone in your jaw is no different. This means that as the bone heals around the implant post, it cements it permanently within your jaw so that it cannot come loose or be pulled out. It is this element that gives dental implants the superior stability for which they are known. Attached to this implant post once it is secure (which usually takes 4-6 months) is a bespoke porcelain crown. This replicates your natural teeth by being the perfect size, shape, and color to fill the gap. 


Conventional dental implant posts are made from titanium. However, an increasing number of patients are now turning to implants made from zirconia instead. 


What is Zirconia Dental Implants and What Are the Advantages of Choosing Them?


Zirconia is a fairly new material in terms of dentistry and dental implants. However, it has proven to be very successful because, like titanium, it is biocompatible. This means that it isn’t harmful or toxic to living tissue and as a result, it is extremely unlikely that your body will reject its presence. 


Zirconia dental implants are typically marketed as a non-metal alternative to titanium implants, which makes them particularly valuable for patients who have intolerances to some types of metals. Instead, zirconia is a ceramic material that is white in color and closer to the natural appearance of teeth. 


The other main thing that makes zirconia implants different from the conventional titanium design is that instead of being supplied in three parts, they are usually a one-piece implant that is inserted in its entirety. This one-piece design facilitates a shorter implant process, along with the potential for a significant increase in comfort and function afterward due to the biocompatibility and strength of the solution. Many experts also believe that the one-piece design of zirconia implants reduces the risk of infection and gum disease. This is because there are no individual pieces within which micromovements can occur that could create moist places where bacteria have a chance to multiply. Finally, zirconia implants can even be placed immediately after a tooth extraction, meaning that you don’t have to live with a gap in your smile.



We are proud that our clinician is the only one listed on the Z-Systems implant website who is placing zirconia implants. If you would like to find out more about zirconia dental implants or to schedule a consultation to discuss your suitability for this solution, please get in touch with our expert dental team in Aiea, HI and Honolulu, HI


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